Sunday, March 15, 2009


Einstein Said. "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." Science says that everything has a rational explanation. I was thinking, everything in a Swiss watch has a rational explanation, but you can still turn a screw and change the timing. So what does that mean? Is there really coincidence, or does God play dice with the universe? Do things really happen for a reason? Life and the universe are like a Swiss watch. String theory says everything is connected. Everything! Quantum physics has proven the syncronocity of things. So are we all part of some giant Swiss watch? God can turn a screw here or adjust a part there and it effects the whole. That means that each of us makes a change in our lives and it effect the whole as well. Any change, no matter how GREAT or small. Imagine the power that thought, imbues each of us with. The second rule of the heroes handbook is, "with great power comes great responsibility." Does this all mean that we are not only responsible for ourselves, but that we share a responsability for everything and everyone else? What an incredible thought that would be or is. Considering that everyone who reads my blog will be "infected" by this thought and it will spread from here. Whether the effects on you are microcosmic or macrocosmic, makes no difference. Thanks to quantum intanglement, the effects are real and propogating. What an incredible thought indeed.

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